sâmbătă, 1 decembrie 2007

Publicatii Proteus Hunedoara

This page presents in few words and cover images, the systematic work of our group, especially in Sureanu Mountains karstic area.This first edition of this publication, is only in Romanian language, but the next edition will be in Romanian and English language, with some abstracts in other languages (because we have some good friends in Elvetia, Macedonia, Spania, Polonia and a few in Germania). We will see...

1. Volum Proteus 01 -

2. Volum Proteus 02 -

3. Volum Proteus 03 -

4. Volum Proteus 04 -

5. Volum Proteus 05 -

6. Volum Proteus 06 -

7. Volum Proteus 07 -

8. Volum Proteus 08 -

9. Volum Proteus 09 -

10. Volum Proteus 10 -

11. Volum Proteus 11 -

12. Volum Proteus 12 -

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